What is the difference between a Fiscal Year and Calendar Year?

Fiscal year and calendar year is the year period of time use for financial management purposes and it differs only with how it started, calendar year starts with January 1 and ends with December 31, while fiscal year can begin on any date of the year and end on exactly 365th day.

Aidward Alleylean

Calendar Year (CY) – Begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st

Fiscal Year (FY) – Begins on any day of the year and will end on exactly the 365th day of the year.

Diaz Rene

Fiscal Year (FY) – Begin on any day of the year (Except January 1) and will end on exactly the 365th day of the year.

Bobby Quing

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#CalendarYear vs. #FiscalYear

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