Is an employee who is on maternity leave can still receive RATA?

Q: Hi again. Is a female public employee still entitled to RATA when she is in maternity leave? Post Views: 889

Is a Section Chief (SG 18) entitled to RATA?

(Please wait…the forum is being fetched from our Facebook Page. If you cannot see it, just reload the post/website until the post appears) How to Take Advantage of this Forum? Join the forum by clicking the comment button. (Note: This will bring you to our Facebook Page) Read the answers of our colleagues on the […]

OIC on Concurrent Capacity: entitled ba sa RATA?

I want to ask for legal opinion regarding my designation as OIC municipal assessor in a concurrent capacity. My original position is from the Provincial Assessor’s Office holding SG 22 position. In my designation order, I will report to the municipal assessor’s office twice a week but I will still maintain my daily time record […]

When a government official receiving RATA is designated to a higher position which also has RATA, can the official claim additional RATA?

Let’s clarify the subject matter. For instance, there are two government officials, say a Director and an Assistant Director, who are both receiving commutable Representation Allowance and Transportation Allowance (RATA). The Director traveled to attend an official business and designates (thru an Office Order) the Assistant Director to be the Officer-in-Charge (OIC) while he/she is […]


This page contains a summary of relevant legal bases and references, arranged by topic (in alphabetical order), purposely made for Public Financial Management practitioners such as Government Accountants, Budget Officers, Treasurers/Cashiers, State Auditors and other finance and administrative staff. This page is updated regularly. Accounts Payables Action Document Releasing System (ADRS) Budget and Financial Accountability […]