35+ Reports REQUIRED by COA and DBM to be prepared and submitted by GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTANTS

Accounting 101 Government Auditing

Have you ever thought if the reports you are preparing on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly basis are the ones required by the Commission on Audit (COA) and/or the Department of Budget and Management (DBM)? Or if they are, are you preparing the complete set of reports? Or did your agency properly assign the reports to personnel required by COA and/or DBM to prepare said reports?

Conversely, if you are the State Auditor of the agency, is your auditee agency preparing and submitting the required and complete set of reports?

It is for this reason that we at GABOTAF took an inventory of the accounting books, registries, reports, and statements needed to be prepared and submitted to COA and DBM to help Government Accountants check if they are preparing and submitting the required and complete set of reports.

We used Volume II of the Government Accounting Manual for National Government Agencies (GAM for NGAs) entitled “Accounting Books, Registries, Records, Forms and Reports” and COA-DBM Joint Circular No. 2019-1 dated January 1, 2019 as references in writing this article.


The following journals and ledgers shall be maintained, meaning, it should be available anytime, by government accountants per fund cluster. (We will discuss about fund clusters at the end of this article)

  1. GENERAL JOURNAL (GJ) (Appendix 1) – This journal shall be maintained in the Accounting Division/Unit by fund cluster. Only transactions not recorded in the Special Journals shall be recorded in this journal. This shall be certified correct by the Chief Accountant/Head of Acounting Division/Unit.
  2. CASH RECEIPTS JOURNAL (CRJ) (Appendix 2) – This special journal is used to record the Report of Collections and Deposits (RCD) or Cash Receipts Register (CRReg) submitted by the Collecting Officer/s to the Accounting Division/Unit. It shall be maintained by the Accounting Division/Unit by fund cluster. This shall be certified correct by the Chief Accountant/Head of Accounting Division/Unit.
  3. CASH DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL (CDJ) (Appendix 3) – This special journal is used by the Accounting Division/Unit to record the disbursements through cash made by the Disbursing Officer. It shall be maintained by fund cluster. This shall be certified correct by the Chief Accountant/Head of Acounting Division/Unit.
  4. CHECK DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL (CkDJ) (Appendix 4) – This special journal is used by the Accounting Division/Unit to record the disbursements through check made by the Disbursing Officer. It shall be maintained by fund cluster. This shall be certified correct by the Chief Accountant/Head of Acounting Division/Unit.
  5. GENERAL LEDGER (GL) (Appendix 5) – This ledger summarizes all transactions recorded in the GJ and special journals (e.g., CRJ, CDJ, CkDJ, etc.) maintained in the Accounting Division/Unit. This ledger sheet is arranged in the same order or sequence of the accounts appearing in the Revised Chart of Accounts (RCA). Postings to this ledger shall come directly from the General and Special Journals.
  6. SUBSIDIARY LEDGER (SL) (Appendix 6) – This ledger shows detail for each control account in the GL which is maintained per account and fund cluster by the Accounting Division/Unit.


These BFARs shall be prepared and submitted by Government Accountant on the dates prescribed by DBM and COA.

  1. STATEMENT OF APPROPRIATIONS, ALLOTMENTS, OBLIGATIONS, DISBURSEMENTS AND BALANCES (SAAODB) – FAR No. 1 (Appendix 17) – Prepared by all agencies’ Central Offices/Regional Offices/Operating Units in reporting the appropriations, the allotments received, the obligations, the disbursements made and balances for the reporting period. Certified correct by the Chief Accountant on the data on disbursements and due and demandable obligations.
  2. SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS, ALLOTMENTS, OBLIGATIONS, DISBURSEMENTS AND BALANCES BY OBJECT OF EXPENDITURES (SAAODBE) – FAR No. 1-A (Appendix 18) – Prepared by all agencies’ Central Offices/Regional Offices/Operating Units in reporting the appropriations, the allotments received, the obligations, the disbursements made and balances by object of expenditures for the reporting period. Certified correct by the Chief Accountant on the data on disbursements and due and demandable obligations.
  3. STATEMENT OF OBLIGATIONS, DISBURSEMENTS, LIQUIDATIONS AND BALANCES FOR INTER-AGENCY FUND TRANSERS – FAR No. 1-C (New! Not yet considered in the latest version of the GAM) – Prepared by all agencies’ Central Offices/Regional Offices/Operating Units in reporting the obligations, the disbursements/funds transferred to, liquidations and balances for the reporting period. Certified correct by the Chief Accountant on the data on disbursements and liquidated fund transfers.
  4. STATEMENT OF APPROVED BUDGET, UTILIZATIONS, DISBURSEMENTS AND BALANCES (SABUDB) – FAR No. 2 (Appendix 20) – Prepared by all agencies’ Central Offices/Regional Offices/Operating Units with authority to use their revenue in reporting the budgeted income received, the utilization made, disbursements and balances for the reporting period. Certified correct by the Chief Accountant on the data on disbursements and unpaid utilizations – due and demandable.
  5. SUMMARY OF APPROVED BUDGET, UTILIZATIONS, DISBURSEMENTS AND BALANCES BY OBJECT OF EXPENDITURES (SABUDBBOE) – FAR No. 2-A (Appendix 21) – Prepared by all agencies’ Central Offices/Regional Offices/Operating Units with authority to use their revenue in reporting the budgeted income received, the utilization made, disbursements and balances by object of expenditures for the reporting period. Certified correct by the Chief Accountant on the data on disbursements and unpaid utilizations – due and demandable.
  6. AGING OF DUE AND DEMANDABLE OBLIGATIONS (ADDO) – FAR No. 3 (Appendix 22) – Prepared by agencies central offices/regional offices/operating units. Certified correct by the Chief Accountant on the data on aging of due and demandable obligations.
  7. MONTHLY REPORT OF DISBURSEMENTS – FAR No. 4 (Appendix 23) – Prepared indicating all authorized disbursements of the agency/operating unit by type and by allotment class, showing the totals by disbursement authority issued. Certified correct by the Chief Accountant/Head of Accounting Division/Unit.
  8. QUARTERLY REPORT OF REVENUE AND OTHER RECEIPTS (QRROR) – FAR No. 5 (Appendix 24) – This QRROR shall reflect the agency’s/operating unit’s actual revenue and other receipts collections from all sources remitted with the Bureau of Treasury (BTr) and deposited in other authorized government depository bank (AGDB), for the budget year, broken down by quarter. This form shall be certified correct by the Chief Accountant/Head of Accounting Division/Unit.
  9. STATEMENT OF APPROVED BUDGET, UTILIZATIONS, DISBURSEMENTS AND BALANCES FOR TRUST RECEIPTS – FAR No. 6 (New! Not yet considered in the latest version of the GAM) – Prepared by all agencies’ Central Offices/Regional Offices/Operating Units in reporting the obligations, the disbursements/funds liquidations and balances for the reporting period of funds received as inter-agency transferred fund (IATF). Certified correct by the Chief Accountant on the data on disbursements and unpaid utilizations – due and demandable.

Deadline of Submission of Budget and Financial Accountability Reports (BFARs)

Read our article entitled “Updated Guidelines on the Preparation of Budget and Financial Accountability Reports (BFARS) starting FY 2019” to know more about the deadline of submission of BFARs to COA and DBM.


  1. REGISTRY OF ALLOTMENTS AND NOTICE OF CASH ALLOCATION (RANCA) (Appendix 30) – The RANCA shall be maintained by the Accounting Division/Unit to determine the amount of allotments not covered by NCA and to monitor available NCA.
  2. REGISTRY OF ALLOTMENTS AND NOTICE OF TRANSFER OF ALLOCATION (RANTA) (Appendix 31) – The RANTA shall be maintained by the Accounting Division/Unit to determine the amount of allotments not covered by NTA and to monitor available NTA.
  3. INDEX OF PAYMENTS (IP) (Appendix 38) – The IP is used by the Accounting Division/Unit to record/monitor payments made to each creditor/payee. It shall be maintained by fund cluster.
  4. LIST OF DUE AND DEMANDABLE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE – ADVICE TO DEBIT ACCOUNT (LDDAP-ADA) (Appendix 42) – The LDDAP-ADA is an accountable form used as an authorization issued by the national government agency/operating unit to the Modified Disbursement System-Government Servicing Bank (MDS-GSB) instructing the bank to debit a specified amount from its available Notice of Cash Allocation (NCA) to pay the creditors/payees listed in the upper portion of the LDDAP-ADA. The “LDDAP” portion shall be certified correct by the Head of Accounting Division/Unit that list was prepared in accordance with existing budgeting, accounting and auditing rules and regulations.
  5. ADVICE TO DEBIT ACCOUNT DISBURSEMENTS JOURNAL (ADADJ) (Appendix 52) – This special journal is used by the Accounting Division/Unit to record the disbursements through LDDAP-ADA made by the Disbursing Officer/Cashier. It shall be maintained by fund cluster.
  6. SCHEDULE OF ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (SAP) (Appendix 54) – This form shall be used by the Accounting Division/Unit in the preparation of the list of accounts payable. It shall be prepared by fund cluster. The Chief Accountant or Head of Accounting Division/Unit shall affix his/her signature to certify that data reported are duly correct.
  7. SCHEDULE OF ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE (SAR) (Appendix 55) – This form shall be used by the Accounting Division/Unit in the preparation of the list of accounts receivable. It shall be prepared by fund cluster. The Chief Accountant or Head of Accounting Division/Unit shall affix his/her signature to certify that data reported are duly correct.
  8. REGISTRY OF ACCOUNTS WRITTEN OFF (RAWO) (Appendix 56) – This registry is used to record and monitor accounts that were written off by the agency/entity maintained per fund cluster. It shall be maintained by the Accounting Division/Unit and kept in a perpetual manner.
  9. SUPPLIES LEDGER CARD (SLC) (Appendix 57) – The SLC is a form used in the Accounting Division/Unit for each type of supplies to record all receipts and issued made. It shall be maintained by fund cluster.
  10. INVESTMENT PROPERTY LEDGER CARD (IPLC) (Appendix 68) – The IPLC shall be maintained by the Accounting Division/Unit for each class of investment property. The Accounting Staff in charge of maintaining this ledger shall record promptly the acquisition, description, custody, estimated life, depreciation, impairment, disposal, repair history and other information about the property. It shall be prepared by fund cluster.
  11. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT LEDGER CARD (PPELC) (Appendix 70) – The PPELC shall be kept in the Accounting Division/Unit for each class of PPE. The. Accounting Staff in charge in maintaining the PPELC shall record the acquisition, description, custody, estimated life, depreciation, impairment, issue/transfers/disposal, repair history and other information about the property. It shall be prepared by fund cluster.
  12. REGISTRY OF HERITAGE ASSET (RHA) (Appendix 72) – This registry is used to record and monitor heritage assets owned by the agency/entity which are not recognized in the books of accounts. It shall be maintained by the Accounting Division/Unit per fund cluster and kept in a perpetual manner.
  13. REGISTRY OF HERITAGE ASSET – SUMMARY (RHA-S) (Appendix 72A) – This form shall be used to summarize the cost of specific heritage asset which is recorded in the individualr registries. This summary shall be maintained by the Accounting Division/Unit by fund cluster and kep in a perpetual manner.
  14. CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS LEDGER CARD (CIPLC) (Appendix 77) – The CIPLC shall be kept in the Accounting Divison/Unit for each project. The Accounting Staff in charge in maintaining the CIPLC shall record promptly the construction costs and other information about the asset contructed. It shall be maintained per fund cluster.

In addition to the above reports, Government Accountants are also required to prepare and submit a complete set of financial statements to the Commission on Audit, as follows:

  1. STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION – An entity shall present current and non- current assets, as well as current and non-current liabilities, as separate classifications on the face of the Statement of Financial Position (SFP). (Section 24, Chapter 2, Volume I, GAM for NGAs)
  2. STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE – The Statement of Financial Performance (SFPer) shall include line items that present the revenue, expenses and net surplus or deficit for the period. (Section 25, Chapter 2, Volume I, GAM for NGAs)
  3. STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS/EQUITY – An entity shall present in the Statement of Changes in Net Assets/Equity (SCNA/E) the following: a) Net Income or Deficit for the period; b) Each item of revenue and expenses for the period that, as required by Standards, is recognized directly in net assets/equity, and the total of these items; c) Total revenue and expenses for the period; and d) For each component of net assets/equity separately disclosed, the effects of changes in accounting policies and corrections of errors recognized in accordance with PPSAS 3-Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors. (Section 26, Chapter 2, Volume I, GAM for NGAs)
  4. STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS – The Statement of Cash Flows (SCF) provides information to users of FSs a basis to assess the ability of the entity to generate cash and cash equivalents and to determine the entity’s utilization of funds. This also provides information on how the entity generates income authorized to be used in their operation and its utilization. (Section 27, Chapter 2, Volume I, GAM for NGAs)
  5. STATEMENT OF COMPARISON OF BUDGET AND ACTUAL AMOUNTS – A comparison of budget and actual amounts will enhance the transparency of financial reporting in government. This shall be presented by government agencies as a separate additional financial statement referred in this Manual as the Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts (SCBAA).(Section 28, Chapter 2, Volume I, GAM for NGAs)
  6. NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS – The Notes to FSs contain information in addition to that presented in the SFP, SFPer, SCNA/E, SCF and SCBAA. Notes provide narrative descriptions or disaggregation of items disclosed in those FSs and information about items that do not qualify for recognition in those statements. (Section 28, Chapter 2, Volume I, GAM for NGAs)

In addition to the set of financial statements enumerated above, the following reports/ schedules/statements shall likewise be submitted to COA:

  1. Pre-Closing Trial Balances
  2. Post-Closing
  3. Other schedules:
  • Regional Breakdown of Income
  • Regional Breakdown of Expenses

Deadlines on Submission of Trial Balances, Financial Statements and supporting schedules/documents:

Pursuant to Section 60, Chapter 19, Volume I of the GAM for NGAs, the deadlines for the submission of Trial Balances, Financial Statements, including supporting schedules/documents shall be as follows:

Section 60, Chapter 19, Volume I, GAM for NGAs


It’s quite overwhelming to realize that government accountants are preparing this number of reports, but it will be more overwhelming to note that these reports are prepared by fund cluster. Currently, there are seven (7) fund clusters used to classify government funds, namely:

  1. Cluster 01: Regular Agency Fund
  2. Cluster 02: Foreign Assisted Projects Fund
  3. Cluster 03: Special Account – Locally Funded/Domestic Grants Fund
  4. Cluster 04: Special Account – Foreign Assisted/Foreign Grants Fund
  5. Cluster 05: Internally Generated Funds
  6. Cluster 06: Business Related Funds
  7. Cluster 07: Trust Receipts.

Hence, if considering, an agency received or maintains funds from all of the clusters above, the agency’s Accountant is required to prepare and submit approximately 260+ reports (38 reports x 7 clusters) to COA and/or DBM. Quite many isn’t it? But that’s what we are paid for.

One more thing… The list above is applicable to national government agencies, including state universities and colleges (SUCs) and select government-owned and controlled corporations (GOCCs). Some of the reports stated above may not be applicable to local government units (LGUs) and other branches of the government.

Have we missed a report in the list? Tell us in the forum below:

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One last thing… These reports are the ones required by COA and DBM only as listed in the GAM and Circular for BFARs. These do not include reports required from Government Accountant by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), Bureau of the Treasury (BTr) and other government agencies such as GSIS, PhilHealth, Pag-IBIG and other oversight agencies.