20+ Reports REQUIRED by COA and DBM to be prepared and submitted by BUDGET OFFICERS

Government Budgeting

Have you ever thought if the reports you are preparing on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly basis are the ones required by the Commission on Audit (COA) and/or the Department of Budget and Management (DBM)? Or if they are, are you preparing the complete set of reports? Or did your agency properly assign the reports to personnel required by COA and/or DBM to prepare said reports?

Conversely, if you are the State Auditor of the agency, is your auditee agency preparing and submitting the required and complete set of reports?

It is for this reason that we at GABOTAF took an inventory of the registries and reports needed to be prepared and submitted to COA and/or DBM to help Budget Officers check if they are preparing and submitting the required and complete set of reports.

We used Volume II of the Government Accounting Manual for National Government Agencies (GAM for NGAs) entitled “Accounting Books, Registries, Records, Forms and Reports” and COA-DBM Joint Circular No. 2019-1 dated January 1, 2019 as references in writing this article.


These registries shall be kept or maintained, meaning, it should be available anytime, by Budget Officers by fund cluster. (We will discuss about fund clusters later)

  1. REGISTRY OF REVENUE AND OTHER RECEIPTS – SUMMARY (RROR-S) (Appendix 7) – This Summary shall be kept by the Budget Division/Unit for each fund cluster maintained by the entity.
  2. REGISTRY OF REVENUE AND OTHER RECEIPTS (Regular Agency/Foreign Assisted Projects Fund) (Appendix 7A) – This registry shall be maintained by the Budget Division/Unit of the entity for the following fund clusters: 1) Regular Agency Fund; and 2) Foreign Assisted Projects Fund.
  3. REGISTRY OF REVENUE AND OTHER RECEIPTS (Trust Receipts/Inter-Agency Transferred Funds) (Appendix 7B) – This registry shall be maintained by the Budget Division/Unit of the entity for the Trust Receipts/Inter-Agency Transferred Funds.
  4. REGISTRY OF APPROPRIATIONS AND ALLOTMENTS (RAPAL) (Appendix 8) – This Registry shall be maintained by fund cluster by the Budget Division/Unit of each government entity to ensure that allotment releases are within the authorized appropriation. Separate registry shall be maintained for prior year’s appropriations.
  5. REGISTRY OF ALLOTMENTS, OBLIGATIONS AND DISBURSEMENTS – PERSONNEL SERVICES (RAODPS)(Appendix 9A) – This registry shall be maintained by the Budget Division/Unit by Appropriations Act, fund cluster, by Major Final Output (MFO) or Program/Activity/Project (PAP) for personnel services.
  6. REGISTRY OF ALLOTMENTS, OBLIGATIONS AND DISBURSEMENTS – MAINTENANCE AND OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES (RAODMOOE)(Appendix 9B) – This registry shall be maintained by the Budget Division/Unit by Appropriations Act, fund cluster, by Major Final Output (MFO) or Program/Activity/Project (PAP) for maintenance and other operating expenses.
  7. REGISTRY OF ALLOTMENTS, OBLIGATIONS AND DISBURSEMENTS – FINANCIAL EXPENSES (RAODFE)(Appendix 9C) – This registry shall be maintained by the Budget Division/Unit by Appropriations Act, fund cluster, by Major Final Output (MFO) or Program/Activity/Project (PAP) for financial expenses.
  8. REGISTRY OF ALLOTMENTS, OBLIGATIONS AND DISBURSEMENTS – CAPITAL OUTLAY (RAODCO)(Appendix 9D) – This registry shall be maintained by the Budget Division/Unit by Appropriations Act, fund cluster, by Major Final Output (MFO) or Program/Activity/Project (PAP) for capital outlays.
  9. REGISTRY OF BUDGET, UTILIZATION AND DISBURSEMENTS – PERSONNEL SERVICES (RBUDPS)(Appendix 10A) – This registry shall be maintained by the Budget Division/Unit of each entity by fund cluster, by MFO or PAP for personnel services.
  10. REGISTRY OF BUDGET, UTILIZATION AND DISBURSEMENTS – MAINTENANCE AND OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES (RBUDMOOE)(Appendix 10B) – This registry shall be maintained by the Budget Division/Unit of each entity by fund cluster, by MFO or PAP for maintenance and other operating expenses.
  11. REGISTRY OF BUDGET, UTILIZATION AND DISBURSEMENTS – FINANCIAL EXPENSES (RBUDFE)(Appendix 10C) – This registry shall be maintained by the Budget Division/Unit of each entity by fund cluster, by MFO or PAP for financial expenses.
  12. REGISTRY OF BUDGET, UTILIZATION AND DISBURSEMENTS – CAPITAL OUTLAY (RBUDCO)(Appendix 10D) – This registry shall be maintained by the Budget Division/Unit of each entity by fund cluster, by MFO or PAP for capital outlays.


The BFARS listed hereunder shall be prepared and submitted by Budget Officer on the dates prescribed by COA and DBM.

  1. STATEMENT OF APPROPRIATIONS, ALLOTMENTS, OBLIGATIONS, DISBURSEMENTS AND BALANCES (SAAODB) – FAR No. 1 (Appendix 17) – Prepared by all agencies’ Central Offices/Regional Offices/Operating Units in reporting the appropriations, the allotments received, the obligations, the disbursements made and balances for the reporting period. Certified correct by the Budget Officer on the data on appropriations, allotments, obligations and not yet due and demandable obligations.
  2. SUMMARY OF APPROPRIATIONS, ALLOTMENTS, OBLIGATIONS, DISBURSEMENTS AND BALANCES BY OBJECT OF EXPENDITURES (SAAODBE) – FAR No. 1-A (Appendix 18) – Prepared by all agencies’ Central Offices/Regional Offices/Operating Units in reporting the appropriations, the allotments received, the obligations, the disbursements made and balances by object of expenditures for the reporting period. Certified correct by the Budget Officer on the data on appropriations, allotments, obligations and not yet due and demandable obligations.
  3. LIST OF ALLOTMENTS AND SUB-ALLOTMENTS (LASA) – FAR No. 1-B (Appendix 19) – The list allotment and sub-allotments shall be prepared to support quarterly SAAODB per FAR No. 1.
  4. STATEMENT OF OBLIGATIONS, DISBURSEMENTS, LIQUIDATIONS AND BALANCES FOR INTER-AGENCY FUND TRANSERS – FAR No. 1-C (New! Not yet considered in the latest version of the GAM) – Prepared by all agencies’ Central Offices/Regional Offices/Operating Units in reporting the obligations, the disbursements/funds transferred to, liquidations and balances for the reporting period. Certified correct by the Budget Officer on the data on obligations.
  5. STATEMENT OF APPROVED BUDGET, UTILIZATIONS, DISBURSEMENTS AND BALANCES (SABUDB) – FAR No. 2 (Appendix 20) – Prepared by all agencies’ Central Offices/Regional Offices/Operating Units with authority to use their revenue in reporting the budgeted income received, the utilization made, disbursements and balances for the reporting period. Certified correct by the Budget Officer on the data on approved budget, budget utilizations and unpaid utilizations – not yet due and demandable.
  6. SUMMARY OF APPROVED BUDGET, UTILIZATIONS, DISBURSEMENTS AND BALANCES BY OBJECT OF EXPENDITURES (SABUDBBOE) – FAR No. 2-A (Appendix 21) – Prepared by all agencies’ Central Offices/Regional Offices/Operating Units with authority to use their revenue in reporting the budgeted income received, the utilization made, disbursements and balances by object of expenditures for the reporting period. Certified correct by the Budget Officer on the data on approved budget, budget utilizations and unpaid utilizations – not yet due and demandable.
  7. AGING OF DUE AND DEMANDABLE OBLIGATIONS (ADDO) – FAR No. 3 (Appendix 22) – Prepared by agencies central offices/regional offices/operating units. Certified correct by the Budget Officer on the data on Obligation Request number and amount.
  8. STATEMENT OF APPROVED BUDGET, UTILIZATIONS, DISBURSEMENTS AND BALANCES FOR TRUST RECEIPTS – FAR No. 6 (New! Not yet considered in the latest version of the GAM) – Prepared by all agencies’ Central Offices/Regional Offices/Operating Units in reporting the obligations, the disbursements/funds liquidations and balances for the reporting period of funds received as inter-agency transferred fund (IATF). Certified correct by the Budget Officer on the data on utilizations and unpaid utilizations – not yet due and demandable.

Deadline of Submission of Budget and Financial Accountability Reports (BFARs)

Read our article entitled “Updated Guidelines on the Preparation of Budget and Financial Accountability Reports (BFARS) starting FY 2019” to know more about the deadline of submission of BFARs to COA and the Department of Budget and Management (DBM).


It’s quite overwhelming to realize that Budget Officers prepare this number of reports, but it will be more overwhelming to note that these reports are prepared by fund cluster. Currently, there are seven (7) fund clusters used to classify government funds, namely:

  1. Cluster 01: Regular Agency Fund
  2. Cluster 02: Foreign Assisted Projects Fund
  3. Cluster 03: Special Account – Locally Funded/Domestic Grants Fund
  4. Cluster 04: Special Account – Foreign Assisted/Foreign Grants Fund
  5. Cluster 05: Internally Generated Funds
  6. Cluster 06: Business Related Funds
  7. Cluster 07: Trust Receipts.

Hence, if considering, an agency received or maintains funds from all of the clusters above, the agency’s Budget Officer is required to prepare and submit approximately 100+ reports to COA and/or DBM. Quite many isn’t it? But that’s what we are paid for.

Have we missed a report in the list? Tell us in the forum below:

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One more thing… The list above is applicable to national government agencies, including state universities and colleges (SUCs) and select government-owned and controlled corporations (GOCCs). Some of the reports stated above may not be applicable to local government units (LGUs) and other branches of the government.