7 Habits of Highly Effective Government Accountants

Accounting 101 Featured Articles

1. Know and understand the laws, the rules, and the regulations.

Your innocence of them cannot save you. Your knowledge of them will give you gold.

2. Reach out.

Create a network with fellow Accountants.

You’ll learn a lot from them everytime. GABOTAF is a good start to do this.

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3. Know that time is finite and your work is unlimited.

Limit your time in the Office and spend more time with your family and love ones. You’ll see, you’ll be happier and more fulfilled.

4. Learn to prioritize.

Not all works are the same. Spend more time in valuable and essential things. Spend less time in less sensible and valueless things.

5. Know your Boss well.

Stay with him/her when you are respected. Leave when you must.

6. Know your clients well.

Say yes when it’s legal. Say no when it’s not, but be polite enough to explain your reasons.

7. Know your standards — accounting and personal standards.

The former will show the integrity of your reports and the former will save your job.

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