How to propery apply the rates for RATA (on pro-rata basis)?



Sender: Hello, GABOTAF. May I ask how do you apply in your agencies the RATA rates prescribed in NBC 548?

Is it, for example, 25% of monthly RATA if 5 days were rendered or even only 1 day was rendered the official can already get 25% of his RATA? Thanks!

Context of the Question:

National Budget Circular No. 548 dated May 15, 2013 or the amended rules and regulations on the grant or representation allowance and transportation allowance (RATA) provides the following schedule for the grant of RATA:

The above schedule provides that if the number of workdays of actual work performance in a month is 1 to 5 days, the actual RATA for the month is 25% of the monthly RATA, 6 to 11 days is 50%, 12 to 16 days is 75%, and 17 days and more is 100% of the monthly RATA.

[Here’s a Quick Guide on What is Considered as Actual Work Performance on the Grant of RATA]

The question is, if the government official concerned only rendered one (1) day of actual work performance, is he/she entitled to 25% of RATA?

How do you apply the above rules and regulations in your agency?

1. Is it 25% of RATA even if only one (1) day of actual work performance was rendered?; or

2. 1/5 of 25% of RATA since only one (1) day of actual work performance was rendered?

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