Who will prepare the FAR 3, Accountant or Budget Officer?

Who will prepare the FAR 3, Accountant or Budget Officer?

QUESTION: Prior to the implementation of URS, FAR 3 Aging of Due and Demandable Obligations which is being prepared by the accountant only includes the Accounts Payable which is due and demandable and this report must tally with the Trial Balance.
Currently, FAR 3 includes all the accounts payable, due or not yet due and demandable per instruction of DBM. Now, since this report reflected the unpaid obligations which the budget officer can get in their reports. Are the Accountants still in charge with the preparation of this report or it is now the Budget Officer?


Based on the instructions for the preparation of FAR No. 3 prescribed under COA-DBM Joint Circular No. 2019-1, both the Accountant and Budget Officer are responsible in preparing FAR No. 3.

Specifically, the FAR No. 3 is certified correct by the Budget Officer (data on Obligation Request and Status Number and amount and data on aging of Not Yet Due and Demandable Obligations) and Chief Accountant (data on the aging of Due and Demandable Obligations) and approved by the Agency/Entity Head or Authorized Representative as recommended by the Director of Financial Management Service (FMS) or Equivalent.

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