Can LGUs charge MOOE-related expenditures against their 20% Development Fund?

[ad_1] Hi Gabby: We are currently conducting preliminary budget review on the 2019 ABs of barangays. There are cases where appropriations under 20% DF are in the nature of MOOE. Is this violative of DILG-DBM JMC No. 2017-7, item 2.3, which provides, all development projects xxx shall partake the nature of investment or capital expenditures? […]

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What is Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE)

MOOE is one of the four (4) expenditure classifications in Philippine budgeting system. It refers to an expenditure category/expense class for support to the operations of government agencies such as expenses for supplies and materials; transportation and travel; utilities (water, power, etc.), representation, professional services, repairs and maintenance, etc. Source: Glossary of Terms, Department of […]

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