How much is the salary of a Government Accountant in the Philippines?

The salary of a government Accountant in the Philippines depends on the position he is currently holding.
When we say government Accountant we mean a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) holding an Accountant position in the Philippine government.
It is important to emphasize this so as to avoid confusion as there are Certified Public Accountants working in the government but they do not hold an Accountant position.
We recommend you read:
The Top 3 Government Agencies that hire Certified Public Accountants (CPA)
Job Finder: The Easiest Way to Find Jobs in the government for Certified Public Accountants (CPAs)
Based on the Index of Occupational Services, Occupational Groups, Classes and Salary Grades (IOS) (2018 Edition), issued by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), there are six (6) positions available for government Accountants, namely: Accounting Analyst, Accountant I, Accountant II, Accountant III, Accountant IV and Chief Accountant.
Each position has corresponding salary grade (SG).
According to the DBM, salary grade pertains to the zone of difficulty and responsibility of work. It covers all classes of positions which, although different with respect to the kind or subject matter of work, are sufficiently equivalent as to level of difficulties and responsibilities and level of qualification requirements of the work to warrant the inclusion of such classes of positions within one range of basic compensation.
Simply stated, the higher the level of difficulties and responsibilities and level of qualification requirements for the government accountant position, the higher the salary grade for said position.
Hereunder is the salary grade (SG) for each government Accountant position.
Accounting Analyst ~ SG 11
Accountant I ~ SG 12
Accountant II ~ SG 16
Accountant III ~ SG 19
Accountant IV ~ SG 22
Chief Accountant ~ SG 24
How much is the peso equivalent of each salary grade?
The peso or monetary equivalent of each salary grade depends on the approved salary schedule for the year.
Visit the following articles to know the peso equivalent of each salary grade for government accountant position.
What is a Step Increment?
Have you noticed in the salary schedule above there are eight (8) steps for each salary grade, except for salary grade 33? We call that step increment.
Step increment is the increase in salary from step to step within the salary grade of a position. A one (1) step increment shall be granted to officials and employees for every 3 years of continuous satisfactory service in their present positions.
Thus, if a government accountant stays, for instance in his position as Accountant III for 9 years, then his salary after nine years would be equivalent to Salary Grade 19, Step 4.
How much is the salary of government Accountants in local government units (LGUs)?
The salary of government Accountants in local government units (LGUs) follows the same principle as discussed above.
The salary of a government Accountant in LGUs depend on the position and the corresponding salary grade for that position.
Whenever there is a salary increase approved by the President, a separate salary schedule is issued by the DBM for the LGUs.
Basic Guide in Understanding the Salary Schedule
The salary schedule is a table of salary grades with each salary grade consisting of several salary steps with corresponding money values.
A salary grade represents a level of difficulty and responsibility of work. The present Salary Schedule consists of 33 salary grades.
Each of Salary Grades 1 to 32 consists of 8 salary steps which are used to provide incentives for length of service in the position. Salary Grade 33 has only 1 salary step.
Salary Grade 33 – This Salary Grade is assigned to the President of the Republic of the Philippines as the highest position in the government. No other position in the government service is considered to be of equivalent rank.
The 1st salary step is the minimum or hiring rate. The 2nd to 7th salary steps are the intermediate salary rates. The 8th step is the maximum salary rate.
All rates in the Salary Schedule represent full compensation for full-time employment in a 40-hour work week regardless of where the work is performed.
The daily wage represents full compensation for full-time employment in an 8-hour work day regardless of where the work is performed. The daily rate shall be computed based on the authorized/actual monthly rate for the position divided by 22 days. [DBM]
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