Can a government official claim both RATA and Daily Travel Expenses while on official travel?



Can a government official claim both RATA and Daily Travel Expenses

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16 thoughts on “Can a government official claim both RATA and Daily Travel Expenses while on official travel?

  1. It depends on the nature and destination of travel. TA is fixed and therefore limited. If the destination is covered by a Travel Authority, the entitlement to travel expenses is covered by an EO, no longer the NBC on RATA.

  2. RA – YES
    TA – NO if mode of transportation is government vehicle, regardless of times used; YES if private vehicle/customary mode is used, both can be claimed since they are distinct from each other, different purpose, and legal bases. ☺️

  3. It depends on the place of official business… If within jurisdictions as in the case of local gov official if within their locality we do not allow reimbursements of transpo but if beyond, we allow reimbursements… Please do correct me if I’m wrong…..

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