10 Annoying Things Every Participant Should Avoid while in a Webinar (+10 Tips to Fix them)

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Online seminars, a.k.a webinars, are here to stay, even if the COVID-19 pandemic would be over.

More than ever, Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and other online videoconferencing platforms proved that it’s easier now to connect not only two but many people all at the same time!

What more —

We no longer need to actually travel to attend these seminars, although we miss officially traveling, right?. With virtual seminars, we can just sit back, relax, and do some other things while listening (not recommended, though), right from the comfort of our office and home. For as long as we have a smartphone or laptop and a strong internet connection, everything is breeze.

However, speaking of comfort, some people, intentionally or not, do these or sometimes forget to avoid these things while in the webinar, which annoy or disturb other participants. Some find it unprofessional, some irresponsable.

Below we give you 10 of these annoying things which you should definitely avoid while in a webinar. We also try to give tips on how to avoid and fix them.

Here we go!

[1] Mute that chicken, please!

Have you heard that once too? Or what have you heard? Barking dogs? Moowing cows? Noisy parrot? Or crowing roaster?

Fix it: Unless you are the speaker, the only way to avoid disturbing others with these noise around you is to mute your microphone. Unmute only when you’re permitted to do so. It’s best too if you can find a quite place away from these unwanted noise.

[2] Watch your mouth, please!

Oh gosh! Have you heard someone in the virtual room blurting out bad words? As in, WTF, BS or GTH? Unbelievable, but it happens.

Fix it: Bad words are definitely a nono. Hence, you should avoid them at all times. Like what we said in No. 1, the only way to avoid this, aside from you should really watch your mouth, is to mute your microphone unless you’re told to speak.

[3] Not grooming and dressing up appropriately

You’re attending an official business. You’re representing your Office; hence, you should dress appropriately, even if you’re attending the webinar at home.

Fix it: Wear like you’re attending a face to face seminar. While you can hide behind your camera, you don’t know when you will be required to open it. You don’t want others to see your night tees and unwashed face, right?

[4] Not choosing an appropriate place

It’s not like you’re calling your relatives or friends that it’s just okay to do it anywhere — in your room, at the bathroom, or in your kitchen.

Fix it: Find a suitable place in your house where even of you open your camera it won’t distract other participants. If it cannot be avoided, learn how to use a virtual background. However, choose an appropriate background too.

[How to set a virtual background using Zoom?]

[Here’s how to set a virtual background in Google Meet]

[Setup a virtual background in your Microsoft Teams]

[5] Not being mindful of what your camera can capture

Wait, are those his/her undies? He/she seems to be attending the webinar on his bed. Is that a bottle of bagoong. Look, they haven’t wash their chores yet!

Speaking more of choosing an appropriate place to attend a webinar, especially when you’re attending at home, be mindful of what your camera can capture. You don’t want to be embarrassed of your beacon undies, right?

Fix it: Same as No. 4.

[6] Being jejemon in the chatbox

It isn’t like you’re are speaking to your jejemon friend that you can use textspeak in the chat room. We are talking to professionals so we might as well chat with them professionally.

Fix it: When writing comments or asking a question through the chatbox make sure that you write your words completely and your sentence correctly. Avoid typing like you’re sending a text message (SMS) to your jejemon friends.

[7] Not paying attention

While it’s tempting to multitask while listening to the lecture, besides, you cannot be seen by the lecturer,; however, you’re not actually giving yourself a favor by doing that. Remember, you were authorized by your Office to attend the webinar, first, to give you opportunity to grow and second, with the expectation that you’ll be able to share the knowledge to your organization. So why do other stuff when you’re are authorized to just sit down and listen attentively?

Fix it: Have the mindset to listen and absorb what is being discussed. Put away distractions — yes, your pending tasks. Your Office does not expect you to finish tasks while attending a webinar anyway. Your Boss might even caught you not listening attentively if you pass a report while you’re in the webinar.

[8] Not being virtually present at all times

Have you tried, or have you seen an officemate, logged-in in a webinar and left his/her computer and did other tasks? Some participants do this as if they are being effective in multitasking. However, again, you’re not doing yourself a favor. In some webinars we have already attended, activities such as Q&A and interactive quiz are being facilitated of which virtual presence is needed and outputs required.

What if you weren’t there when the activity happened? What Certificate of Completion will you get?

Fix it: Be just virtually present at all times. Avoid multitasking.

[9] Not using a headset/earphone

Unless your officemate/s or loveones want to hear what you’re listening to, you should use a headset or earphone during a webinar. Otherwise, you might be disturbing the people around you.

Fix it: Use a good headset or an earphone during a webinar. Also, be mindful of your voice when talking while on a headset or earphone. We tend to talk louder when wearing one.

[10] Eating while in a webinar

Unless you’re on a breaktime, eating during a webinar, your camera on, is inappropriate/unprofessional for other people. Indeed because, it is not like you’re in a moviehouse where you can eat popcorn all you want, right?

Fix it: Eat well before you attend the webinar so that you’ll not get hungry during the discussion. Should you feel really hungry, just ensure that your camera is off so the other participants will not see you eating.

Wrapping up: One is fortunate when he/she is authorized by his/her Office to attend a webinar as this is a great opportunity to grow personally and professionally. That’s why, one should take advantage of every knowledge the webinar has to offer. Therefore, the things we listed above should really be avoided so as to have a meaningful webinar experience.

Share your experience!

Should you have experienced other disturbing or annoying things during the webinar which you attended, share them in the comments section below.