BTMS: Most Anticipated Features

Question/Topic: The Budget and Treasury Management System (BTMS) may be implemented soon: What do you think should be its most important feature? View Forum on our Facebook Page: Click this link to view the forum on our Official Facebook Page You may also view some more comments below. You may click the message/comment button at […]

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All National Government Offices will soon use an online system called BTMS to process their financial transactions

The BTMS has the capability to generate standard forms such as Procurement Request (PR), Purchase Order (PO), Budget Utilization Request and Status (BURS), Disbursement Voucher (DV), and Journal Entry Voucher (JEV), among others.

Additionally, the BTMS can also generate budget and financial accountability reports (BTMS) and financial statements, both on a consolidated and disaggregated format.

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