COA Circular No. 2012-001 — Revised Guidelines and Documentary Requirements for Common Government Transactions

Accounting 101


COA Circular No. 2012-001 was issued by the Commission on Audit in 2012 to prescribe the revised guidelines and documentary requirements for common government transactions.

Common Government Transactions Covered

💡 Granting of Cash Advances

💡 Liquidation of Cash Advances

💡 Fund Transfers to Non-Government Organizations / People’s Organizations (NGOs/POs)

💡 Transfer of Funds to Implementing Agencies

💡 Transfer of Funds from Trust Fund to the General Fund for Unspent Balance/Excess

💡 Payment of Salaries

💡 Payment of Allowances, Honoraria and Other Forms of Compensation which include the following:

  • Personnel Economic Relief Allowance (PERA)
  • Representation and Transportation Allowance (RATA)
  • Clothing/Uniform Allowance
  • Subsistence, Laundry and Quarters Allowances
  • Productivity Incentive Allowance (PIB)
  • Special Counsel Allowance
  • Honoraria of Government Personnel involved in Government Procurement
  • Honoraria of Teaching Personnel (DepEd, TESDA, SUCs and other 21 educational institutions)
  • Honoraria of Governing Boards of Collegial Bodies
  • Honoraria of Lecturer/Coordinator
  • Honoraria for Special Projects
  • Honoraria for Science and Technological Activities
  • Hazard Duty Pay
  • Longevity Pay
  • Overtime Pay
  • Year-End Bonus (YEB) and Cash Gift (CG)
  • Retirement Benefits
  • Terminal Leave Benefits
  • Monetization of Leave Credits
  • Loyalty Cash Award/Incentive
  • Collective Negotiation Agreement (CNA) Incentive

💡 Payment of Utility Expenses

💡 Payment of Telephone/Communication Services

💡 Payment of Extraordinary and Miscellaneous Expenses

💡 Documentary Requirements for Procurements through Public Bidding

💡 Documentary Requirements for Procurements through Alternative Modes

💡 Documentary Requirements for procurement through ADA or direct payment

💡 Cultural and Athletic Activities

💡 Human Resource Development and Training Program

💡 Financial Expenses

💡 Road Right-of-Way (ROW) / Real Property

COA Circular No. 2012-001 also provides the principles governing the financial transactions and operations of any government agency as provided under Section 4 of Presidential Decree (PD) No. 1445 and the general requirements for all types of disbursement.

More details

COA Circular No. 2012-001 can be downloaded or printed through the COA’s website.